About Us
Formed in 1993 by Allister Saville, AJ Saville Builders is backed by a knowledgeable team with years of experience. We’re a multi-award-winning Queenstown building company, specialising in top-quality architectural builds and have successfully delivered an array of design-led projects in the Queenstown Lakes district and beyond.
We commit to working closely with clients and architects to deliver bespoke designs that meet and excel client requirements while maintaining financial feasibility. We bring the skills and experience of our in-house quantity surveyor to work alongside architects to achieve this. We offer a full project management service from inception to final handover, and provide detailed cost reports and schedules to our clients to meet budget and time requirements.
We’ve earned our enviable reputation for quality from over thirty years of delivering the highest standards of quality homes and commercial builds. Each year we benchmark those standards against the best in the country in the Registered Master Builders House of the Year Competition. We’re grateful to have received a prestigious Platinum Award, reserved for those who have won five or more National Category titles, currently held by only seven residential builders in New Zealand. We also hold a Sapphire Award for having won three Regional Supreme titles and won the Sustainability Award in 2012.
We use the most advanced solutions, products, technologies, and certifications to build practical and sustainable solutions. We build you a home that is environmentally friendly while maximising your comfort and enjoyment in living there.

In 2009 Allister Saville responded to a call from building supplier ITM for assistance with rebuilding Samoa following a devastating tsunami. Initially one of seven volunteers Aj Saville built temporary accommodation for the expected influx of volunteers over the coming months. Four months later Allister returned with two apprentices and a group of sub-contractors to help build a further 400 Fales.
About Allister Saville
Allister’s foray into building began at 16 with Melvin L McLellan Builder Ltd of Invercargill, continued onto his work on the Clyde Dam, and all the way to London where he ran a business for three years. On return to New Zealand, he made the leap of faith to Queenstown Lakes, seeing his career take off alongside an increasing workload of architecturally designed homes being built in the area.
Allister’s impressive resume has culminated in AJ Saville Builders’ many category wins across Registered Master Builders House of the Year Awards, and other nationally accredited awards including the prestigious Platinum and Sapphire awards, only awarded to the very best in the country.
Allister became a Member of the New Zealand Institute of Building and has been actively involved in the Green Building Council. He believes the planet must be sustained and handed over for the legacy of future generations.